Tuesday, February 12, 2013

I love my job!

After my first full day of work, I am bleary-eyed and exhausted, but I had another great day!
This morning, Tereza who is part of the digital department (she kind of is the digital department - and this is not Tereza my program director), explained to me the organization of the company, the many digital projects they are working on, and what tasks she has for me right now. First of all, I am not working for a club manager or a small-time area of the company. These people make up "the Group," and they handle the marketing for what they call the Europe region, which includes the Czech Republic, Germany, Austria, Poland, and maybe Hungary (I can't remember). They are pretty much just under corporate, and I get the opportunity to intern for and work with them!

They are very interested in fitness and health club campaigns that have been done in the States, and what topics in marketing, fitness, and health trends are currently trending there. I am apparently their insight into that information! The only thing is,marketing is the one core business class that I did not get to take before starting my internship...oops! Anyways, I spent pretty much all day researching, and I found some good info and learned a ton! I already have a 50 slide presentation to create and present next Friday! I am not sure who I am actually giving the presentation to, probably just the three that I work with in marketing, but I am excited, nonetheless!

Because my current tasks are so focused on learning where the company is now, what digital projects it is currently working on, and researching information on previous and current campaigns, I spent the entire day on my laptop, splitting time between the company's social media accounts and digital content, competitors social media accounts and digital content, finding the most popular social networking sites to launch at the company, and finding information about successful and innovative campaigns that could inspire a new and unique campaign for our company. My eyes kill from staring at the computer screen all day, but like I said, I learned so much, and this stuff is so interesting. That being said, I really wish I had taken marketing this past semester! I am thinking about getting the marketing textbook to read during my internship, and if any of my friends from school have suggestions about the best places to find campaign information, please, please, please let me know!

Other than working on collecting information for my presentation, I also met many new people, discussed plans with my IS to learn the ins and outs of several aspects of the company and different locations, received my official membership card (yay for working out!), and got to check over the English on a couple of the projects the other ladies were working on. If you know me at all, you know that I love to check papers and projects for grammar and writing! Not only did I get to do one of my favorite things, but because I got to read through these documents, I get more insight and understanding into what is going on at the company!

It is an amazing feeling to be treated like a colleague, and not just an intern to get coffee (actually, they always kindly ask me if I want coffee whenever they go to get some). I worked with Tereza most of the day, and she showed me all of their current projects and several of their analysis tools. She has enough confidence in me to add me onto the accounts for their web  tools and ask me to give feedback on their social media accounts, and I was even able to introduce her to HootSuite (oh, ISP, how ever useful you are)!

I could not be more pleased with my internship so far. I know that today was only the second day, and my first full day, at that, but I am really enjoying myself!

Also, it really is fun to dress up =)

Disclaimer: this was taken after work, hence the disheveled hair & make-up!

Unfortunately, it is not so fun to walk out of the building after work to find a blanket of snow on the ground, and the sidewalks covered in disgusting gray slippery slush! Add high heels, a pencil skirt, and a hill, and it is an absolute miracle that I made it home without landing on my butt!

P.S. Coach & team: I am definitely going to start taking advantage of my gym membership tomorrow, maybe even with a morning workout!! I know you guys are working hard, and GO VOLLEYBALL! Love you!!

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